A critical law reform project

The Final report has been published on May 2022! Click here for download


Future of Legal Gender has four key aims:

  1. To critically explore different ways of reforming legal gender status, focusing on England and Wales, while drawing on experiences in other countries, the different legal approaches taken towards other social characteristics, such as religion, disability, ethnicity and sexuality, and the views of activists, policy-makers, NGOs, lawyers and the wider public.
  2. To contribute to ongoing policy and political discussions relating to current legal reform proposals, while taking a longer-term approach.
  3. To understand different people’s hopes and worries in relation to both the current legal framework and different approaches to legal reform.
  4. To contribute to broader discussions about the changing character of gender and the contribution law can make to how it is changing.


Press Conf Speakers

In the lead-up to the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (upcoming on 17th May 2021), the latest survey of 234 transgender people in Hong Kong between 2019 and 2020, the largest survey on the population in Hong Kong so far, has been released on 12th May 2021.

The survey conducted by the Sexualities Research Programme of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Transgender Resource Center, found that:

Rejection, victimisation and discrimination were the rule rather than the exception in many transgender people’s lives in Hong Kong. 76% of the respondents reported facing rejection in different dimensions of social life in their lifetime. 62% of the respondents reported having experienced different forms of victimisation in their lifetime. 51.1% of the respondents reported facing discrimination in at least one of the following four domains in the previous year: Employment (34.8%), education (34.8%), provision of goods and services (36.9%) and disposal and management of premises (26.2%).

Transgender people in Hong Kong reported great difficulties in using a toilet which matches their self-identified gender, or even simply accessing toilets in public spaces. Worse still, when using the toilet, transgender people in Hong Kong were subjected to verbal assault, physical violence, or even sexual contact against their wishes.

A substantial proportion of the respondents had not undergone, were not sure or did not want to undergo gender-affirming medical interventions because of a variety of reasons, which means they were excluded from being eligible for a change of the sex entry on the identity card sex entry based on the current regulations set out by the Hong Kong government. Only 5.6% of the respondents had changed the on their identity card, and another 6% said they were in the process of doing so. 75% agreed that the government should recognise non-binary gender options.

All of such social and legal marginalisation took a toll on the transgender people’s mental health in Hong Kong. 42.8% of the respondents showed moderate-to-severe levels of depressive symptoms, and 34.7% showed moderate-to-severe levels of anxiety symptoms. Besides, 31.2% of the respondents reported non-suicidal self-injurious behaviour in the past 12 months. There were 76.9% of them contemplated suicide, 25.6% made a suicide plan, and 12.8% attempted suicide in their lifetime. However, transgender people displayed agency and one-third of them took action to resist when facing transgender-related discrimination/cisgenderism.

> Download English Press Release

> Download English Research Report


Chinese News Coverage: 

1. 明報:中大調查:逾四成跨性別受訪者出入境遭負面對待 有抑鬱症狀港聞/article/20210512/s00001/1620816055884/中大調查-逾四成跨性別受訪者出入境遭負面對待-有抑鬱症狀

2. 東方: 研究指近8成受訪跨性別人士有自殺念頭 倡設性別身份反歧視法

3. 商業電台:中大調查發現過半跨性別人士曾遭歧視

4. 立場新聞: 研究指近 8 成跨性別人士有自殺念頭 促政府訂性別承認法、反歧視法研究指近-8-成跨性別人士有自殺念頭-促政府訂性別承認法-反歧視法/

5. 眾新聞: 跨性別平權W案後無寸進 中大調查:51%受訪者面對歧視跨性別人士-跨性別廁所-羅寶璘-41277/跨性別人士

6. HK01: 調查發現近八成跨性別人士曾想過自殺 學者促跟進性別承認法區新聞/624319/調查發現近八成跨性別人士曾想過自殺-學者促跟進性別承認法

7. 頭條新聞:中大調查發現 逾半跨性別人士曾遭歧視即時-港聞-中大調查發現-逾半跨性別人士曾遭歧視

8. AM730: 八成跨性別港人想過自殺 專家倡精神健康支援新聞/八成跨性別港人想過自殺-專家倡精神健康支援-267751

9. 經濟一週:中大調查|過半跨性別港人曾遭歧視熱話/中大調查|過半跨性別港人曾遭歧視-278777/

10. 香港商報:  中大調查:本港近八成跨性別受訪者表示曾遭歧視


English News coverage: 

11. RTHK News: Transgender people face broad discrimination: survey

12. SCMP: Three-quarters of transgender people in Hong Kong have considered suicide, Chinese University survey reveals

13. Hong Kong Free Press: Half of transgender people in Hong Kong face discrimination, CUHK research shows

14. The Standard: Half of transgenders face discrimination: survey


Live radio programme current affairs: 

15. RTHK Hong Kong Today (13 May):


Earlier studies have consistently documented sexual orientation disparities in mental health, with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals being at greater risk of poor mental health than cisgender heterosexual individuals. The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong conducted research that studies the disparities in mental health of LGBT individuals (incl. lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals) and cisgender heterosexual individuals in 2017 with an aim to examine mental health of LGBT individuals in Hong Kong and identify protective and risk factors that contribute to their mental health outcomes.

Please see below the research report series:

LGBT Community Mental Health Research Report series (1)

LGBT Community Mental Health Research Report series (2)

LGBT Community Mental Health Research Report series (3)

For more information, please check: CUHK Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

A new report issued by the Centre for Comparative and Public Law shows that Hong Kong public opinion on same-sex couples’ rights has changed significantly in recent years. In 2013, only a minority of Hong Kong people said that same-sex couples should be permitted to marry (38%). By 2017, however, over half of people expressed agreement with same-sex marriage (50.4%). In 2017, 78% of Hong Kong people said that same-sex couples should have at least some of the rights enjoyed by different-sex couples, compared with 73% in 2013. In addition, 69% of people in 2017 said that Hong Kong should have a law to protect against sexual orientation discrimination, compared with 58% in 2013.

跨性別資源中心於去年一月至十二月進行「針對跨性別人士暴力研究調查」,目的為了解本港跨性別人士在家庭、親密關係、職場和公眾場所遭受暴力對待的情況。調查以網上問卷形式進行,收回有效問卷135份。結果顯示接近半數(45.9%)的受訪者曾經遭受暴力對待,受害者超過六成( 62.9%) 面對肢體暴力。









「是非男女」第四冊:The Book of Transgender in Hong Kong (英文版)



香港浸會大學社會學系副教授,研究題目包括母女關係、同志運動、中國性學、性小眾等。她是香港家計會 [2016年青少年與性] 研究小組委員。主編書籍有<打開性/別> (2012) ; <打開男性> (2014)。曾撰文討論跨性別社群 -- [正當的身體? -- 跨性別在傳媒],載於 <我城我性 : 香港性/別日常>。




